Chicago Rarities Orchard Project - Bringing an Urban Green Space to Logan Square

The Chicago Rarities Orchard Project (CROP), with support from the Chicago City Department of Zoning and Land Use and NeighborSpace, has been working to enhance and beautify Logan Square by designing one of Chicago’s first urban fruit orchards. CROP will unveil their plans for a Logan Square Plaza (at the corner of Milwaukee and Logan Boulevard) during a public meeting on Tuesday, August 17, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. at Logan Square Kitchen, located at 2333 N. Milwaukee Avenue.

**All are welcome to attend and checkout how hard CROP has been working!**

“The Logan Square Plaza Orchard is just the type of space the community needs. It will provide many opportunities for learning, cultural programming, and family activities,” declares 35th Ward Alderman Rey Colón.

The project, featuring a mix of fruits, including apples, pears, plums and pawpaws, as well as interplanting berries, will create a public green space in Logan Square for residents and visitors to gather. It will also present partnership possibilities for local social and environmental organizations. The community managed orchard will be open to the public throughout the week, through special events, and programmed in coordination with Logan Square’s acclaimed year-round Farmers Market. The project is presently seeking volunteer support and funding and is anticipating completion for summer 2011, with the first plantings done next spring. View a short clip here for additional information.
