I Love Logan Square Party!

Don’t miss the 3rd annual I Love Logan Square Party, hosted by our friends over at Elastic Arts Foundation! This annual party is a fundraiser for the Logan Square Neighborhood Association (LSNA), whose goal is to assemble a network of neighbors, schools, artists, businesses and other organizations in the area (Logan Square, Avondale, Lathrop Homes) to help strengthen and maintain a diverse, thriving, affordable and safe community for those of us who live here.

The event is this Saturday, April 30 from 8PM to 1AM at Elastic Arts (2830 N. Milwaukee, 2nd Floor). So put your dancing shoes on and prepare for a fierce live auction showcasing an array of local goods and services being offered! A $10 donation at the door is required and attendees must be 21+ or with a parent.  
Additional donations will get you food, drink
and maybe even a caricature!

Event lineup:
8:30 Zumba lesson
9:30 Live auction
10:30 Dancing (music by Brotha Onaci of People’s DJ collective)

Some of the many auction items include: Skydeck tickets, Nutcracker party from Chicago Ballet, tamale-making lessons, Revolution Brewing tour and dinner for 4, artisan cheese tasting, and custom bike painting. For the full list, check out the I Love Logan Square Party event page on Facebook.

Check out these links to learn more!

So show your love for this neighborhood and stop on by!

-Alex Palmer
